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Reflections on the Journey

Insights & Guidance from the Heart
Fake it till you make it

Fake it till you make it

Or possibly “act as if…” There are times when putting a smile on your face will lift your spirits and an energetic commitment to happiness will have you moving through the day with more grace. But… what happens when no matter how many books you read, no matter how...

The genius of the “And”

The genius of the “And”

If you are sad, do you feel guilty about moments of happiness? Can you have had creature comforts as a child and experienced trauma? Can you be a high achiever and be miserable? Jim Collins and Scott Porras, two well-known business authors. wrote a book called Built...

Who will join you at the table?

Who will join you at the table?

What happens in your body or in your thoughts when I mention anger? How about anxiety or avoidance? What about defensiveness or compliance? Depending on your life experiences, these terms may have positive or negative connotations. In some families, anger was the only...

Life in 4D

Life in 4D

Have you had the experience of watching a movie in 4D? I didn’t even know what that meant when I walked into the theater. I said a small “huh” when I sat down and saw a button on the seat that said I could turn the water on or off.   Turns out, in case I am not the...